Thursday, May 8, 2014

Young adults CLAIM YOUR CHURCH!!!!

Claim your Church

The time is now! Stand up and be somebody. The list can go on and on with clichés about taking action and being proactive, so here is one more; Young Adults Claim Your Church!!!!  As young adults looking at our faith and parish life, the struggle to find our place grows everyday and for some it becomes so intense that it is a physical barrier to the bride of Christ, the Church. As young adults we need to consciously make the decision to take part in what God gives us.  I often bump into people that have left the Catholic Faith and have since joined other churches, the common thread I have found is the choice to know,love, and serve the Lord. If like me you sat in the back and felt disconnected, GET UP!!!! If you have been told to have "ants in your pants" during mass take up the challenge to be engaged in mind and body. If you feel like your parish does the  "same ol' same ol'" offer your gifts,talents and ideas. God has given you the capacity to be a witness of His love so go and do it. Remember everything you have is from God and because it's from God it is for God and his people. Claim your Church!

Peace,Love, and Nachos


on my ipod; Do Something, Matthew West